Beauty & Products

5 Reasons Eyebrow Scrub Is Actually a Good Thing



When I think about exfoliating, I think of my body and my face. In particular, the skin on my body and face. So I was surprised to learn that brow exfoliation exists. Not only is it a thing, but you can buy brow scrubs specifically made for your brows.

Are your brows furrowed by the thought? Because mine most emphatically were.

Naturally, as a curious lass, I looked into it further, because a part of me cynically saw eyebrow scrub as a method for firms to earn more money by adding another step to our beauty routine. While another part of me thought that with all of the products we use on our brows, we might truly need to give our brows some tender loving care every now and then.

So, what exactly is a brow scrub? Do we really require one? Is it possible that cleaning our brows will make them sparser for those of us who have sparse brows?

It turns out that brows are an excellent location for dead skin cells. They trap those little suckers, leaving your brows looking dry and uneven. Let’s be honest: he doesn’t have the best appearance. Brow exfoliation comes into play. They are great for pre-procedure to your eyebrow henna.

Brow exfoliation keeps the region clear and smooth while preventing ingrown hairs, making any brow product you use seem better. It’s also said to have the ability to boost fresh hair growth. As a kid of the overplucked 90s who has yet to see her overplucked brows grow back, I’m not sure how that’s really possible… but if it works, BONUS!

What is the secret to effective brow exfoliation? While a chemical exfoliator is preferable because it is gentler on the skin and hair, a physical exfoliant will suffice. The key, especially if you’re using a scrub, is to massage the product using circular motions AROUND the brow area, not ON the brow area. Why not include it? Simply because exfoliating there might trigger hair loss, which no brow lover wants. Also? You just need to perform it once or twice a week, otherwise, you risk irritating the area.

Am I a believer? Just a bit. Maybe. I’m also lazy, so I don’t see myself getting bothered. However, if you are concerned about 

Exfoliating helps to lighten your complexion, improve the appearance of your skin, and most importantly, it aids in the prevention of pore clogging, acne spots, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Exfoliating also stimulates collagen synthesis, which improves the texture and integrity of the skin and keeps it appearing lush, tight, and young. When it comes to how frequently you should exfoliate, pay attention to your skin. Some people prefer chemical exfoliants over physical exfoliants, and vice versa, but it is entirely up to you.

The skin we want is younger and healthier than the skin we have. We can remove the dead, dull skin that shelters the majority of our skin damage using chemical or physical exfoliation to reveal our brighter, healthier, undamaged skin and expose a smoother, brighter complexion.

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