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What Makes A Person More Attractive



Have you ever thought about what makes a person attractive?

Although we may still find someone attractive right away because of their appearance, what matters most about someone is their personality.

So what attributes contribute to someone’s appeal? In this video, I’ll explain the law of attraction and what makes someone attractive. And once you realize this, you’ll say, “Ah, so that’s why I always end up with that kind of person.”

Let’s now examine the specific characteristics that define attractiveness. You might be surprised by some of these things.

The moment you are close to them

A person can become more attractive as you spend more time with them.

Coworkers are a typical example of this.

Most of us have probably encountered a couple who were coworkers before dating. It’s possible that despite spending a lot of time working together, they have never had a romantic relationship.

After a certain amount of time, they all of a sudden discover that everything they do is attractive.

When famous people collaborate on films, this frequently occurs.

The more you are exposed to someone, the more likely it is that you will both develop feelings for them.

Therefore, if you meet someone you think you might like, start hanging out with them more, even if it’s just to be friends for the time being, and watch how things develop.

Employing your hands 

According to studies, we find it difficult to trust people if they have their hands in their pockets or are otherwise concealed.

When it comes to attraction, hands are especially significant to us.

The position of a person’s hands may be one factor in determining whether you or someone else finds them or you attractive.

You will instantly have more faith in someone if their hands are clearly visible. Great ways to accomplish this include making hand signals like opening your palms wide or placing your hands on a table in a restaurant.

When they appear to be in good health

This one is based more on appearance.

Both men and women should strive to appear healthy.

Someone who clearly takes care of themselves has a higher chance of attracting our attention. They may be physically fit or simply have beautiful skin.

You’ll be able to immediately tell if they’re healthy.

We have always sought out partners who “appear healthy.” This goes back to the time of the stone age people, when if your partner was sick, you could not eat and live. This is still the way that our brains are wired.

Interesting people 

Being attractive requires more than just being “hot.”

Nobody wants to go on a date with a hot person who is personalityless.

Because humans are easily bored, the problem is only getting worse as social media usage grows.

We want to date interesting, likable individuals. They are easy to talk to and have interests and hobbies.

We frequently judge someone’s attractiveness based on what they are interested in and whether we find that appealing personally. We want to spend time with someone who is fun to be around.

We learn from our surroundings 

There are some things that appeal to us all.

If they read or have blonde hair, we might like them.

But it’s not all up to us; in fact, a lot of what we enjoy is influenced by the outside world.

Our social circle, workplace, and media fall under this category. We are likely to be drawn to a particular type of person if we spent our childhood surrounded by that type of person.

By displaying the types of people we should find attractive, the media is taking on a bigger role. We might come across someone who looks that attractive with the rise of influencers. Or perhaps we find a particular celebrity, whom the media is portraying negatively, to be unattractive.

We frequently find ourselves drawn to people who resemble our parents. If it’s a girl, she might find someone attractive who looks like her father. If it’s a man, he might search for someone who resembles his mother.

We begin to think carefully about our environment once we realize that our environment has the ability to affect who we find attractive.

Who you are drawn to depends on your personality.

Think for a moment about your personality.

Are you lively? Kind? Smart? Calm?

Who we find appealing can be interpreted a lot from our personalities. If we are calm, we might choose a quiet partner because we prefer to hang out with quiet people.

If we are very self-assured, we might want a partner who shares our confidence. The inverse may also be accurate.

Sometimes, if we are feeling especially confident, we prefer to be the center of attention and would prefer someone quieter.

Typically, we choose someone who behaves similarly to us because it eliminates the need for us to alter either their behavior or our own. But occasionally, it makes sense to want someone who is the complete opposite of you.


A study on women found that different types of men are attractive to them depending on the stage of their cycle. Depending on where they were in their cycle, they preferred men who appeared to be short-term’ partners or ‘long-term’ partners.

Short-term partners were frequently more self-assured and overconfident. Long-term partners were considerate and enjoyed listening. More than we realize, our hormones influence who we find attractive.

Body language 

When someone replicates our body language, we find them attractive more frequently.

We’re likely to find someone attractive if they start speaking in a similar manner to us or even if they pick up their glass at the same time we do.

One study found that when women mirrored men’s nonverbal behavior during speed dating, men found them to be more attractive. If the mirroring occurs naturally and is not forced, it is also regarded as more attractive.

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