
13 Ways To Improve Your Health – BulletinPrime



One of the fresh resolutions that comes with a new decade is living a better lifestyle. To help you get started on the road to a healthy lifestyle, here are 13 helpful health recommendations.

Eat a balanced diet

Consume a wide range of foods, including all of the grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.. At least five pieces (400g) of vegetables and fruits should be consumed each day by adults. By always include vegetables in your meals, snacking on fresh fruit and vegetables, consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, and eating them in season, you can increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you consume. You can lower your chance of developing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetic, heart disease, stroke, and cancer, by consuming a nutritious diet.

Limit your consumption of bad fats

It’s not as simple as it seems. Trans fats, which are introduced to certain products to keep them fresh, should absolutely be watched out for. They and heart disease have been connected. However, some fats, such as those found in dairy products, whole eggs, salmon, avocados, and nuts, are healthy when included in a balanced diet. Furthermore, high-fat dairy products may promote weight loss more effectively than low-fat varieties. This might be the case because fat makes you feel fuller longer than other types of calories.

Fats are found in fatty meat, butter and coconut oil, cream, cheese, ghee, and lard. Trans-fats are found in baked and fried foods, as well as pre-packaged snacks and foods like frozen pizza, cookies, biscuits, and preparing food oils and spreads. Olive oil, sunflowers, soybean, canola, and seafood all include the more advantageous unsaturated fats.

See also: Benefits of eating tulsi leaves

Avert dangerous alcohol consumption.

Actually, there is no such thing as a safe alcohol intake level. Alcohol usage can lead to serious health problems such psychological and cognitive disorders, alcoholism, dangerous non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like liver cirrhosis, some cancers, and heart illnesses, in addition to injuries from violent crime and car accidents.

Avoid smoking

Cigarette use causes NCDs include cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and lung illness. Although 7 out of 10 smokers in the Philippines today either are interested in stopping or have intentions to do so, there are currently 15.9 million young Filipinos who smoke.

If you currently smoke, it isn’t too late to quit. Once you do, both your present and future health will improve. The fact that you do not even smoke is fantastic! Don’t take up smoking and fight for your right to clean air to breathe.

Get moving

Any skeletal muscular movement that uses energy is referred to as “physical activity.” This includes physical exercise as well as activities carried out while working, playing, taking care of household chores, travelling, and having some fun. You may need more or less exercise depending on your age group, but those between the ages of eighteen and 64 should exercise for at least 150 minutes per week at a moderate level. Elevate daily exercise to 3 hours per week for additional health benefits.

Regularly check your blood pressure.

Hypertension, also referred to as high blood pressure, is called a “silent killer.” This is because many people with high blood pressure could not be aware of the issue because it might not manifest any symptoms. Have your heart rate checked periodically by a healthcare professional so that you are informed of your statistics. If your heart rate is excessively high, seek advice from a medical practitioner. 

Take Time Off

You may spend time with loved ones and make new ones, which is beneficial for both your physical and emotional wellbeing. More frequent vacationers live much longer and become less prone to heart diseases and other illnesses.

Vaccinate yourself

The natural defences of your body are strengthened by vaccinations against illnesses including polio, rabies, rubella, tetanus, typhoid, typhoid fever, diarrhea, diphtheria, hepatitis B, pneumonia, measles, mumps, pneumonia, and yellow fever.

Have routine examinations

Regular checks can help identify health risks at an early stage. Health care specialists can help in recognising and diagnosing health concerns, which increases your probability of gaining treatment and a cure. Visit the medical facility that is most accessible for you to find out more about the diagnostic procedures, therapies, and other medical services that are provided there.

Put yourself to the test!

Review your objectives and consider strategies to increase them. Consider adding strength exercises twice a week, for instance, if you feel comfortable walking five days per week. If you have reduced your consumption of fried foods and saturated fat by doing so, consider doing the same with added sweets. Healthy habits that are worth sustaining can result from small changes.


To gain benefit from meditation, you don’t have to sit still for an hour. Actually set aside 5–10 min each day to centre yourself and cleanse your thoughts.

In addition to helping with problem-solving and self-discovery, meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety, boost creativity, boost the immune system, decrease blood pressure, ease migraines, and enhance serotonin, which boosts mood and behaviour generally.

Cook your food properly.

Polluted food that contains harmful bacteria, pathogens, parasites, or chemical compounds causes more than 200 diseases, from cancer to diarrhoea. Examine all labels or the actual produce to ensure the food you’re purchasing at the marketplace or supermarket is secure for consumption.

Manage Your Stress

Stress is a part of everyone’s life. Your heart starts to race, and your muscles stiffen up. If you don’t handle it properly and this occurs frequently, like during your daily commute, it might result in major health issues like hypertension, ulcers, and heart disease. Therefore, take a moment to breathe, engage in a calming activity, and attempt to accept things you cannot control, such as rush-hour traffic.

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